In Asia, rice can be, really, considered a vital food. Japanese, Chinese, but also, Vietnamese and Philippines, eat 500 gr. a day ! Consider that in Asia, they are not used to eat, neither bread, nor pasta, this is why , in those countries, rice is not just a first course but, a side dish too.
Asian rice dishes are, really, a lot. It is impossible to mention all, so we mention just a few.

Kiri bath is a milk rice , cooked in Sri lanka peninsula.
Here is, what you need to prepare it:
2 cups of small grain rice, 3 cups of water, 2 cups of coconut milk, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 cinnamon stick.
Put rice and water in a pan and boil them. Cover and let them cook, for 15 minutes.
Add coconut milk, put salt and stir, carefully.
It is recommended to stir with a wood teaspoon, until rice is dense and the liquid is well absorbed.
Spread the whole, on a tray, with a spoon.
Serve it, covered with grated palm heart .

( traditional vietnamese dish )
2 Kg. rice, 800 gr. green beans, 1 Kg. pork, salt, a pinch of pepper, onions.
MSoak green beans all night long, then strain them.
Soak rice, in cold water, for, at least, 2 hours.
Slice pork in small pieces and place it in a bowl, with onions. Put salt, pepper and blend all the ingredients.
Boil or steam beans, with a teaspoon of water, until they are soft. Mash them, until you obtain a cream.
Prepare the package for the small cake, placing two crossing pieces of aluminium film. Put them in an ice-cream mould, so that you can easily shape it.
Split rice into two portions, then do the same with beans.
Put one rice layer in a bowl, then put a second beans layer, then spread pork pieces upon. At this point, put another beans layer and then last rice layer.
Cover the small cake with aluminium film, so that you make a "pack".
Put this sealed packet in a large pan, cover with water and boil, on a low flame, for 6 hours. Every hour, add some water.
Carefully take packet away from the pan and place it in a colander. Dip it in cold water, for some minutes, then shake it carefully.
Place sealed packet on a wooden board and then place another board upon. Keep it cooled and dried for 2-3 days.