Precooking - Ente Nazionale Risi

The Rice in kitchen / Cooking Techniques / Precooking - Ente Nazionale Risi


The operation of cooling in the precooking process must be as rapid as possible for two reasons: the heat will continue th cooking process but more importantly a medium temperature (between 10°
and 60°C) favours the formation of bacteria which even though not visible to the naked eye or taste are extremely dangerous.
Very often complaints of tiredness or headaches are incipient cases of intoxication which must be prevented.
Special equipment is used in large kitchens which is capable of reducing the internal temperature of the food to +6° C in a very short time; subsequent preservation can even be under vacuum.
Therefore is recommended to keep all cooked foods in a cool place and well protected (better to use cling-film than a cloth which may look clean and hygienic but has probly been used several times or even days), and well away from other foods that could be a source of contamination (eggs, vegetables. meat with skin or feathers etc,).

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