Rice is life!Rice plant life
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International  Year of Rice 2004
The story of rice grain
Rice as world food
Let's play together

Rice just harvested is called rough rice, because it is covered by a rough and tough cod, the chaff.
Chaff forms 20% of grain weight and it must be eliminated, to make rice eatable.
Formerly, rice was cleaned by hand, actually they pounded rough rice in a mortar , with a wood stick, in order to eliminate chaff.
Since 1600, this method was mechanized and "huskeries", factories where they applied this method, were built.
Nowadays, huskeries have more advanced systems but, rice manufacture principle is always the same.
Let look to the rice manufacture phases.

Firstly, they clean harvested rice of impurities.
How? Grass blades and soil are intaken, stones are eliminated and irony materials are extracted through powerful magnets.

Then, each grain is husked.
They put rough rice in a machinery, called huller, formed by two special rollers that husk rice.
This method is called hulling.
They obtain an unrefined rice, called brown rice.
Brown rice is an healthy food and is more nourishing than white rice, for this reason it is starting enjoying, again, popularity among consumers.

Last manufacture phase is the bleaching.
They scrub brown rice with two stones, in order to eliminate husk, the peel rich in proteins, vitamins and mineral salts.

From rice manufacture you can obtain many products:

L'amido di riso ha un duplice utilizzo. Acquistato in polvere e sciolto in acqua, ha una funzione rinfrescante, ottima per la pelle irritata; unito ad altri materiali, viene invece usato dalle fabbriche per produrre colle e vernici.

Rice starch has a double use. If you buy the powder and you dissolve it in water, it has a refreshening power, excellent for skin inflammation; combined with other materials, it is used, in the factories, to make glues and paints.

Rice flour is particularly fit for gluten intolerance ( gluten is contained in wheat, in rye and in barley ). With rice flour you can make bread, soups, 'gnocchi', but also fresh dough and sweets.
'Farinaccio' is rice flour waste, used as animals feed.

Rice milk comes from unrefined rice manufacture.
It is a very good sweet drink, with which you can make good biscuits, cakes and delicious creams.

Rice oil is made up with chaff and husk wastes and it is used to cook.

Rice straw
Dried rice plant, united to chaff , is used both to make fuel and animal litters.
In some Asian countries, it is also used to make hats and small shoes.
From rice straw, you can also obtain rice paper, it is a high quality paper, particularly fine but, also very resistant.

Rice pastry , solely prepared with rice flour, is a free gluten pastry and it can also be eaten by coeliac people ( people allergic to gluten ).

Rice powder can be used as cosmetic instead of face powder, because it is gentler and more refreshing.
